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A one million dollar grant award for the city and county was the impetus behind the Main Street movement in Scottsboro.  

Our Main Street Success Story

What followed the grant announcement was a grass roots movement that began to make traction in the community. Social media conversations such as "Wouldn't it be great if this money could be used for __" led to the formation of groups with specific purposes: Revive (focused on revitalization of Scottsboro), Downtown Scottsboro (focused establishing an arts and entertainment district downtown), Downtown Redevelopment Authority (focused on grants and redeveloping properties) and the Scottsboro BBQ Cook-off Committee (focused on creating a exciting and delicious event to introduce the community at large to the changes downtown) each developed for specific reasons but with the same overacting goal- to improve Scottsboro. In December of 2017, the City of Scottsboro hired an Events and Marketing Coordinator, Meg Nippers to unify and clarify the different community groups visions and set a vibrant community calendar. Nippers was familiar with the Main Street Alabama program in Gadsden, Downtown Gadsden Inc, she knew it would be a way to accomplish the goals set before her and she realized there was strong community support for such an effort. In January, 2018, she attended the New Community Application Workshop and a team was formed to complete the written application. The Scottsboro team then made a presentation to the selection committee in Birmingham in May. The community was scored and the Main Street Alabama Board of Directors voted to make them a Designated Community. On June 1, Main Street Alabama made the official announcement.

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