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Main Street Alabama Day on the Hill

Apr 5th, 2024


On March 6th, the corridors of the state legislature echoed with purpose as local Main Street Directors, Main Street Alabama Board members, staff, and community advocates gathered for a visit to Montgomery. The mission was to foster dialogue, build bridges, and champion the interests of Main Street Alabama communities across the state.

The day started with a shared breakfast, where legislators visited with local Main Street directors. It was a chance for casual conversation and relationship-building between community advocates and policymakers. After breakfast concluded, Main Streeters headed to the State House floor where they heard from lawmakers about the success and challenges of this session.

Mary Helmer Wirth, President and State Coordinator, Main Street Alabama, thanked the speakers and recognized each with the Main Street Champion award. Among the honorees were Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth, Senator Greg Reed, and Representative Greg Albritton. Their steadfast dedication to advocating for policies that empower local economies and preserve our cultural heritage exemplifies the spirit of public service at its finest. In addition to these luminaries, Senator Clyde Chambliss and House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels were also honored for their tireless advocacy on behalf of Main Street initiatives.

As the day progressed, Main Street Directors embarked on individual meetings with their respective legislators, amplifying the voices of local volunteers and emphasizing the transformative impact of their collective endeavors. These discussions served as vital channels for sharing insights, successes, and challenges faced in each district, fostering a deeper understanding of the ongoing revitalization efforts. 

“Main Street Alabama is grateful for the support of our legislators; we are committed to being good stewards of the resources they provide us. For every dollar of funding the State has contributed, $13.36 is returned in sales taxes according to our ten-year impact study published in November 2023. Counting public and private investments in our communities, Main Street Alabama has had a Billion-dollar economic impact on the State of Alabama,” said Wirth.

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